Né en Italie où j’ai fait mes études, j’ai ensuite parcouru l’Europe ; Londres puis Paris ont été mes lieux de vie lors des 10 dernières années. J’ai vécu toute ma vie en développant un rapport intime au cinéma e à l'image. Aujourd’hui, la photographie s’est inséré dans ma vie pour toujours pour restituer cet effet tridimensionnel mais d’une manière différente. Du cinema à la photographie la vitesse varie mais les concepts restent et sont le reflet de mes expériences de vie, dans toute leur diversité.
Born and graduated in Italy i've made my path in europe. London and Paris have been my nest in the last 10 years. I’ve created my own deli and restaurant in Paris where i actually live.
Since the beginning i've seen my time passing through my eyes at cinema speed, my great passion. A series of images one after the other scrolling night and day. Lately the photography is tranforming angiving me that original three dimentional effect
At various speeds the frame today is the magnifying glass of my personal investigation about life in all it's forms.
Since the beginning i've seen my time passing through my eyes at cinema speed, my great passion. A series of images one after the other scrolling night and day. Lately the photography is tranforming angiving me that original three dimentional effect
At various speeds the frame today is the magnifying glass of my personal investigation about life in all it's forms.